Wednesday, November 20, 2019

S.O.A.P Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

S.O.A.P Analysis - Essay Example It is not quite clear what events made the author create this, most possibly some extraordinary experience of life and death inspire people to write such essays. Maybe some dramatic decisions which lead to great changes made the author write this piece. Annie Dillard has accumulated a certain quantity of life observations and experience and decided to make general conclusions. Certain disappointment in common life conceptions could let to writing this essay as well: â€Å"Would you change your project? To what? Whatever you do, it has likely brought delight to fewer people than either contract bridge or the Red Sox†. (99) The author has a huge audience as the questions she discusses are familiar to every adult who at least once was thinking about such issues as free will, choice, sense of life, termination of person`s way. Moreover, she addresses to her reader using the personal pronoun â€Å"you†: â€Å"Any culture tells you how to live your one and only life: to wit as everyone else does† which emphasizes the fact that Dillard wants everyone to think over her questions. It does not matter which race, gender, nationality the reader belongs to, Dellize generalizes suffering and hopes and thinks of the universality of the path in life. (100) Dell doubts typical people`s choices and makes the readers stop the race and ask themselves about their way, goals, and methods of achieving these aims. Sometimes people live without a deep understanding of reasons and consequences. Rhetorical questions such as: â€Å"If for him it was contract bridge, if for her it was copyright law, if for everyone it was and is an optimal mix of family and friends, learning, contribution, and joy of making and ameliorating what else is there, or was there, or will there ever be?† pushes the reader to the internal dialogue with the author. (97)   The author starts her argumentation by describing people`s

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